Justin holding baby Preetika with a national pastor Delver, her father.
I wanted to give you an update on our recent, tremendous trip to Zambia. It was a true joy and blessing to see God’s work continuing and pushing forward. I came away amazed at the power of God’s Word and His work in the lives of the African Ambassadors for Christ!
Since January of this year, 4 churches or preaching points have been established. God is truly multiplying His work! The transition from being a field missionary to stateside overseer has definitely been one fraught with challenges and emotions. There have been ups and downs for us personally as well as in the ministry. In the midst of all that, God has used this trip to encourage our hearts as well as give direction for our ministry.
We believe God has opened doors both in America and in Zambia for Preetika and I to be more actively involved in the ministry in Zambia. Ground work is being laid for us to take longer short-term trips in the future (perhaps as long as a month at a time!) A fellow-missionary has offered the possibility of staying in their well-equipped home while they are out of Zambia on a yearly furlough. This would allow Preetika to rest comfortably when needed during a potential stay in Zambia. The biggest obstacle to this scenario is the travel to and from Zambia. Preetika’s stamina must be further increased to handle such a journey. Please continue in prayer for Preetika’s health, logistics and finances to be able to see this become a reality. Thus far, God has allowed me the time to focus on African Ambassadors for Christ with daily calls and texts of encouragement and instruction to our African preachers. The increased communication has already been a help in the ministry. It has allowed us to be more aware of the current plight of the economy in Zambia (see attached article) so that we could pray with, encourage, and give material help where possible. In addition to this, I’ve been given the opportunity by Pastor Teis to travel during some services each month to present the need of the Gospel in Zambia as well as an opportunity to partner together with the African Ambassadors for Christ.
If you would be interested in partnering together with this growing ministry, please contact us by clicking any of the links in this letter.
Firstly, I cannot forget my first-ever trip to Ndola and the province known as the Copperbelt! Pastor Paul Mayuke, started a church there several months ago, and I had the privilege of spending a weekend with him.
To be able to meet his church people and share God’s Word with them was an absolute privilege. I enjoyed the fellowship and was so pleased to see Paul serving the Lord. He is a young man with boundless energy and a very real zeal to serve the LORD! His spirit is a blessing and an encouragement. In addition to the church in Ndola, God has brought another opportunity across his path. People in an area more than an hour away have called Paul to serve in the capacity of re-starting a church. It will be re-named New Life Bible Baptist Church in the town of Mufrulila. For now Paul, will travel there on Sunday afternoons. The monthly transport need is $50 to get back and forth each week. He is undertaking this by faith. If you can help with this need, I am sure it will encourage him and his new (and renewed) churches!
During my 3 days in Ndola, I walked about 20 miles, met many new Christians, fellowshipped with national pastors and missionaries, and saw God’s hand at work! I had the chance to preach both in Ndola and Mufrulila. Each church had 20-25 people in attendance and a great potential to grow and serve the Lord in future. Please pray for both churches, Faith Baptist Church and New Life Baptist Church, pastored by Pastor Paul.
After spending the time in the Copperbelt, I flew down to Livingstone and had the chance to fellowship with the rest of our friends and pastors serving there. We were greatly privileged to be able to visit 2 newly planted works around Livingstone.
First we spent some time visiting and in a service with Pastor Jason Burdge, his family, and the Calvary Baptist Church meeting in the Linda area of Livingstone. It was a great joy to visit some of the members in their home with Pastor Jason. Also the church family came together in the afternoon and were blessed to hear from Pastor Chris.
On Sunday this church joined us at Fallsview Bible Baptist Church and we were able to witness 12 people baptized from their congregation. I am definitely encouraged by Jason’s dedication and faith in the starting of this church. Jason, previously held a good job in insurance. To begin the church, he began visiting his neighbors and others in Linda. When he realized the need for him to spend more time in the field, he went in and gave notice at his job. Shortly thereafter, he was visiting several hours each day. He has seen a good response thus far and several families have become faithful to worship and serve together. He did all this with no support for the ministry financially. After seeing the work, we have returned to America determined to raise some support for he and His family. Please pray for Pastor Jason (and all of the Zambian preachers) as the economy has hit an all time low in the country. (I will detail that further down in this letter.)
If you feel lead of the Lord to help this pastor and new church plant financially, please reach out to me. Every amount helps as even $20 would make a difference.
Falls View Anniversary service with many being baptized from the new church in Linda.
Also during our week in Zambia, we were able to visit a rocky village area called Samson, where Pastor Anthony and Pastor Delver have started a preaching point. This Bible study meets once a week with the men walking or riding a bike to the location. We were able to go navigate these roads in my 4x4 pick-up truck. The driving over the harsh terrain was slow and tedious. We all even got to play “bush mechanic” with a flat tire once we arrived to the meeting site! This small, fledgling group of people have been meeting regularly for Bible teaching and questions and answers from Scripture. They have a few preparing to be baptized when the logistics of water can be worked out. Pray for this area and for the church that will be formed here as the Lord leads.
Trip to Samson Preaching Point. Pastor Justin preaching to a group gathered in a small school room.
The two weeks that we spent in Zambia were such a blessing as I hope you sense from these highlights! It was tremendously encouraging to see the new ministries started under the Lord’s direction.
Please pray for the economy in Zambia. (see recent article about food cost increases) It has absolutely plummeted. A bag of corn meal — a daily staple ingredient in a Zambian home — now costs 3 to 4 times what it did just one year ago. This is just one example of the struggles of the Zambian economy. With margins already so slim, this puts many in destitute situations. Our pastors and their families are no exception. To simply purchase food, pay rent, and send children to school (with fees needed) has become next to impossible. Truthfully, these men and their families are trusting the Lord. Would you join them in prayer? We have also come up with 2 projects that can help these families: a car wash project in Livingstone and a farm project in Ndola. These projects would cost $800 and $400 respectively and could greatly benefit these pastors with a way to be able to work to sustain their families going forward.
The car wash would be used by the pastors in Livingstone to help support themselves so that they can serve in the ministry. The initial investment of $800 would get them started with a place to set up and the equipment necessary to begin. It would prayerfully give the men something to work at throughout the year to sustain their families.
In Ndola, Pastor Paul would be greatly helped if he could rent a piece of land and plant maize and other crops. The harvest could potentially give Paul enough to eat for the entire year (which would immensely help his personal budget). It also may provide him the ability to sell some of his harvest that is above what he would need. Both of these projects would go a long way toward helping these families and their ministries in the coming days.
Thanks so much for your love, concern and support for our family and the work of the Lord in Zambia. It is a great joy to serve the Lord and the people of Zambia alongside of the African Ambassadors for Christ!
Many of you have been praying for us for nearly 15 years! Thank you for carrying our name to the Lord over those years — especially for praying for Preetika over the last several years of her poor health. Due to some of the disease exposure during our time in Zambia, Preetika struggles with a weakened immune and nervous system as well as chronic daily pain. Lately, she has been taking some supplements and some other natural treatments that have been helping her with her energy and controlling the pain. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and in spite of every struggle, God has used our family in our weakness!
As for Elijah, he has just turned 9 years old! He is growing tall and has started 3rd grade in September.
Thanks so much for your love, concern and support for our family and the work of the Lord in Zambia. It is a great joy to serve the Lord and the people of Zambia alongside of the African Ambassadors for Christ!
Sincerely in Christ,
Justin Warner
Wednesday Bible Study in Libuyu Area where many of the Falls View members live.
Schedule Justin for your next Missions Emphasis Day or Conference, or let us organize a missions trip for your church. We want to help you partner with national pastors in Africa to plant churches and get the gospel everywhere we can!
Check out our new website!
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