New School Launched in Sikokwani Village

Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry,

We greet you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We are filled with immense joy and gratitude as we report on our recent trip to the village of Sikokwani, where we had the privilege of fellowshipping with the wonderful church family of Sikokwani Bible Baptist Church. It was a time of spiritual renewal, encouragement, and a reaffirmation of our shared mission to spread the love of Christ.

A significant highlight of this trip was the commissioning of Sikokwani Little Lights Academy, a milestone achievement that will transform the lives of children in Sikokwani and surrounding villages. On February 10, 2025, in the presence of the Sikokwani community, church members, and local leaders, the village headman had the honor of cutting the ribbon, marking the official opening of the preschool. This moment was nothing short of historic, as it signified the beginning of a new chapter for the children of this village—one where education is no longer a distant dream but a present reality.

For years, the lack of accessible schools has hindered the education of young children in Sikokwani. But today, because of your generosity, SIKOKWANI LITTLE LIGHTS ACADEMY stands as a beacon of hope, providing these little ones with the foundation they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

On behalf of Fallsview Ministry, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to the OPEN DOOR BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH and partners that contributed financially to this noble cause. Your sacrifices, prayers, and unwavering support have turned this vision into reality. Through your giving, you have not only built a school—you have built a future.

May the Lord richly bless you for your kindness and continue to use you as instruments of His grace. Let us keep working together to impact more lives for Christ.

With gratitude and blessings,

Pastor Delver Mutoiwa,

Fallsview Ministry

Zambian Ministries Update

Thank you for your prayers & support!

Pastor Delver preaching during a church service at Fallsview Bible Baptist church


Dear Praying Friends,
Greetings in the name of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
It is a great honor and privilege for me to write this update on behalf of my fellow pastors who are leading various churches dotted across our beautiful and peaceful nation, Zambian. I must say that I give glory to God.
The sole purpose of this report is simply to keep you updated on how the work of the LORD has been in the past few months: I must mention here that God Almighty was with us through good and bad times. The good times encouraged us to do more for God and the bad times made us draw closer to God than ever before.
There is nothing more exciting than a church celebrating their first ever church anniversary! HILL EAST MEAD BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH on 17th July, 2022 did just that! 

The church is under the leadership of Pastor Anthony Musena and it was commissioned on 17th July, 2021. It is located in the outskirts of Livingstone city, in a village called Samson village about four miles south east from the central business district of Livingstone town.
Let me take this opportunity to sincerely thank you dear colleagues for your prayers and financial support which enabled us to successfully host the 1st church anniversary for the ministry in Samson village. A total of 187 people were in attendance and 11 souls got saved! I am happy to mention that the hosting of the church anniversary bore fruits as five people; two adults and three young adults came back and joined the church family. We did not have any baptism but we hope to baptize about seven people soon.

I am thankful to God for Pastor Anthony and his wife, Prisca, who have continued serving God faithfully in the area God has called them. Samson village is quite distant from where Pastor Anthony’s house is located but despite this constraint and many others, he has continued serving God faithfully by being there every Sunday at church for the service and also going to the area for soul winning and visitation programs. Praise God for this faithful servant!

Permit me to shift your attention from Samson village to the Victoria Falls area, where we have a new ministry headed by Mr. Amos Tiki. I am happy to mention that I am grateful to the LORD for what He is doing in that part of the city through Mr. Tiki. The ministry is growing steadily and each time I visit the place my eyes get to feed on the new and different faces that God has brought to be part of the ministry. One thing that always gladdens my heart each time I visit Mr. Tiki and this ministry is his love for children!

During my recent visit to the place, I was honored to give out six Bibles to some faithful members after Mr. Tiki notified me of their faithfulness. Thanks to BEAMS for their continued support in the area of Bible needs!

It breaks my heart to note that despite the massive strides the ministry at falls area has taken, a lot of things still beg for our attention. Nevertheless, we trust God for everything.
The church has in the recent past been meeting for their church services out in the open under the sun, but that will be a thing of the past as the church has put up a makeshift structure of wooden poles which is usually covered with reed mats both on top to shield them from the scorching heat and on the sides to serve as walls. Thank you for the financial support which allowed the purchasing of the reed mats which will go a long way in ensuring that the church family worships under some shelter.


I would fail in my duties if I did not speak about the great works which the LORD has done through our local pastor and missionary, Paul Mayuke. God has used Pastor Paul mightily as he has been able to reach out to so many areas of the Copperbelt province of Zambia. At present, Pastor Paul has six ministries to name:  five ministries are dotted across the copper belt province and one is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in a place called Mokambo.

I am short of better words to describe Paul and his great desire and zeal to serve the LORD. Having been friends with Paul since we were teenagers, I have always known Paul to be a person who would stop at nothing in the service of the LORD!
In my next update, I will endeavor to talk in depth about each of the different ministries with which Pastor Paul is involved. Pray for me so that God would provide for transport funds and other logistics to take a trip to the Copperbelt in the near future to see this ministry firsthand.


As I get to the close of my update, I would like point out another great blessing which God allowed in my life. God made a way for my family and me to shift from one part of Livingstone to another. I shifted from Libuyu compound to Airport compound, an area which is home to Fallsview Bible Baptist Church. I thank God for being in control of everything and providing for the increase in my house rentals.

The shift couldn’t have come at a better time than now when Fallsview Bible Baptist Church needs a fresh vision. My shift to this place will result in my joining hands with Pastor Charles so that we can see Fallsview thriving and growing once again. I trust God for that revival!

My wife Loveness and our lovely daughter, Preetika Mutoiwa, at our new home.*

As I conclude this update, I would like to thank you once more for your unwavering support that you have rendered to the ministries here in Zambia. I would like implore you to continue praying for the ministries here and all the pastors. As a people and as a church, may you encourage yourselves in each person who is saved or who grows in their walk with the Lord. Truly the work in Zambia is fruit to your account!
May the LORD richly bless us all.

Kindest Regards:
Pastor Delver Mutoiwa

Report from Pastor Delver- Freedom Baptist Church

Greetings in the name of the LORD, Jesus. Amen.

I write, on behalf of Freedom Bible Baptist church, to update you on the works that were Carried out during the previous month. I am happy to mention that through your spiritual and financial support, the church was able to purchase and give out 15 Bibles among which five were Bibles in local language and ten were Bibles in English. This was and is still a need in the church as most of the members do not have a copy of the word of God. In this regard, I kindly request that you help us in that area of need should means allow.


We are in the middle of putting up a shelter to be used our church services. The shelter is been put up on a plot of land belonging to one of our faithful old man in the church, Mr. Raphael. Mr. Raphael lives with his son, Henry, and both serve as caretakers who are looking after the church properties: benches, water basins, pulpit among others.

I am happy to mention also that in the previous month, the church was actively involved in soul winning and visitation and the results of these visits saw us leading six people to CHRIST! And these have become part of us. They are also willing to follow JESUS in water baptism.


This month, on 22 May, 2021, we intend to hold a church fellowship. During that fellowship, myself along side other Pastors ( Luka, Charles, Anthony and Jason) is going to teach on discipleship and how to lead some one to JESUS. It is going to be a whole day of fellowship. In this vein, we are requesting for financial assistance of k2500 to enable us purchase food and soft drinks for that day.

In conclusion, I would like to state that God has been and is still with us as church as this is evident in the miraculous ways in which He has shown Himself to us.

Keep on praying for us here.

Thank you.

Pastor Delver

Fall 2019 Update

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Justin holding baby Preetika with a national pastor Delver, her father.
Zambian Blessings

I wanted to give you an update on our recent, tremendous trip to Zambia. It was a true joy and blessing to see God’s work continuing and pushing forward. I came away amazed at the power of God’s Word and His work in the lives of the African Ambassadors for Christ!

Since January of this year, 4 churches or preaching points have been established. God is truly multiplying His work! The transition from being a field missionary to stateside overseer has definitely been one fraught with challenges and emotions. There have been ups and downs for us personally as well as in the ministry. In the midst of all that, God has used this trip to encourage our hearts as well as give direction for our ministry.

We believe God has opened doors both in America and in Zambia for Preetika and I to be more actively involved in the ministry in Zambia. Ground work is being laid for us to take longer short-term trips in the future (perhaps as long as a month at a time!) A fellow-missionary has offered the possibility of staying in their well-equipped home while they are out of Zambia on a yearly furlough. This would allow Preetika to rest comfortably when needed during a potential stay in Zambia. The biggest obstacle to this scenario is the travel to and from Zambia. Preetika’s stamina must be further increased to handle such a journey. Please continue in prayer for Preetika’s health, logistics and finances to be able to see this become a reality.  Thus far, God has allowed me the time to focus on African Ambassadors for Christ with daily calls and texts of encouragement and instruction to our African preachers. The increased communication has already been a help in the ministry. It has allowed us to be more aware of the current plight of the economy in Zambia (see attached article) so that we could pray with, encourage, and give material help where possible. In addition to this, I’ve been given the opportunity by Pastor Teis to travel during some services each month to present the need of the Gospel in Zambia as well as an opportunity to partner together with the African Ambassadors for Christ.

If you would be interested in partnering together with this growing ministry, please contact us by clicking any of the links in this letter.

Recent Trip Highlights
Firstly, I cannot forget my first-ever trip to Ndola and the province known as the Copperbelt! Pastor Paul Mayuke, started a church there several months ago, and I had the privilege of spending a weekend with him.

To be able to meet his church people and share God’s Word with them was an absolute privilege. I enjoyed the fellowship and was so pleased to see Paul serving the Lord. He is a young man with boundless energy and a very real zeal to serve the LORD! His spirit is a blessing and an encouragement. In addition to the church in Ndola, God has brought another opportunity across his path. People in an area more than an hour away have called Paul to serve in the capacity of re-starting a church. It will be re-named New Life Bible Baptist Church in the town of Mufrulila. For now Paul, will travel there on Sunday afternoons. The monthly transport need is $50 to get back and forth each week. He is undertaking this by faith. If you can help with this need, I am sure it will encourage him and his new (and renewed) churches!

During my 3 days in Ndola, I walked about 20 miles, met many new Christians, fellowshipped with national pastors and missionaries, and saw God’s hand at work! I had the chance to preach both in Ndola and Mufrulila. Each church had 20-25 people in attendance and a great potential to grow and serve the Lord in future. Please pray for both churches, Faith Baptist Church and New Life Baptist Church, pastored by Pastor Paul.

After spending the time in the Copperbelt, I flew down to Livingstone and had the chance to fellowship with the rest of our friends and pastors serving there. We were greatly privileged to be able to visit 2 newly planted works around Livingstone. 

First we spent some time visiting and in a service with Pastor Jason Burdge, his family, and the Calvary Baptist Church meeting in the Linda area of Livingstone. It was a great joy to visit some of the members in their home with Pastor Jason. Also the church family came together in the afternoon and were blessed to hear from Pastor Chris.

On Sunday this church joined us at Fallsview Bible Baptist Church and we were able to witness 12 people baptized from their congregation. I am definitely encouraged by Jason’s dedication and faith in the starting of this church. Jason, previously held a good job in insurance. To begin the church, he began visiting his neighbors and others in Linda. When he realized the need for him to spend more time in the field, he went in and gave notice at his job. Shortly thereafter, he was visiting several hours each day. He has seen a good response thus far and several families have become faithful to worship and serve together. He did all this with no support for the ministry financially. After seeing the work, we have returned to America determined to raise some support for he and His family. Please pray for Pastor Jason (and all of the Zambian preachers) as the economy has hit an all time low in the country. (I will detail that further down in this letter.) 

If you feel lead of the Lord to help this pastor and new church plant financially, please reach out to me. Every amount helps as even $20 would make a difference.

Falls View Anniversary service with many being baptized from the new church in Linda.

Also during our week in Zambia, we were able to visit a rocky village area called Samson, where Pastor Anthony and Pastor Delver have started a preaching point. This Bible study meets once a week with the men walking or riding a bike to the location. We were able to go navigate these roads in my 4x4 pick-up truck. The driving over the harsh terrain was slow and tedious. We all even got to play “bush mechanic” with a flat tire once we arrived to the meeting site! This small, fledgling group of people have been meeting regularly for Bible teaching and questions and answers from Scripture. They have a few preparing to be baptized when the logistics of water can be worked out. Pray for this area and for the church that will be formed here as the Lord leads. 

Trip to Samson Preaching Point. Pastor Justin preaching to a group gathered in a small school room.

The two weeks that we spent in Zambia were such a blessing as I hope you sense from these highlights! It was tremendously encouraging to see the new ministries started under the Lord’s direction. 

Zambian Burdens

Please pray for the economy in Zambia. (see recent article about food cost increases) It has absolutely plummeted. A bag of corn meal — a daily staple ingredient in a Zambian home — now costs 3 to 4 times what it did just one year ago. This is just one example of the struggles of the Zambian economy. With margins already so slim, this puts many in destitute situations. Our pastors and their families are no exception. To simply purchase food, pay rent, and send children to school (with fees needed) has become next to impossible. Truthfully, these men and their families are trusting the Lord. Would you join them in prayer?  We have also come up with 2 projects that can help these families: a car wash project in Livingstone and a farm project in Ndola. These projects would cost $800 and $400 respectively and could greatly benefit these pastors with a way to be able to work to sustain their families going forward. 

The car wash would be used by the pastors in Livingstone to help support themselves so that they can serve in the ministry. The initial investment of $800 would get them started with a place to set up and the equipment necessary to begin. It would prayerfully give the men something to work at throughout the year to sustain their families. 

In Ndola, Pastor Paul would be greatly helped if he could rent a piece of land and plant maize and other crops. The harvest could potentially give Paul enough to eat for the entire year (which would immensely help his personal budget). It also may provide him the ability to sell some of his harvest that is above what he would need. Both of these projects would go a long way toward helping these families and their ministries in the coming days. 

Thanks so much for your love, concern and support for our family and the work of the Lord in Zambia. It is a great joy to serve the Lord and the people of Zambia alongside of the African Ambassadors for Christ!

Family News

Many of you have been praying for us for nearly 15 years! Thank you for carrying our name to the Lord over those years — especially for praying for Preetika over the last several years of her poor health. Due to some of the disease exposure during our time in Zambia, Preetika struggles with a weakened immune and nervous system as well as chronic daily pain. Lately, she has been taking some supplements and some other natural treatments that have been helping her with her energy and controlling the pain. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and in spite of every struggle, God has used our family in our weakness!

As for Elijah, he has just turned 9 years old! He is growing tall and has started 3rd grade in September. 

Thanks so much for your love, concern and support for our family and the work of the Lord in Zambia. It is a great joy to serve the Lord and the people of Zambia alongside of the African Ambassadors for Christ!

Sincerely in Christ,

Justin Warner

Wednesday Bible Study in Libuyu Area where many of the Falls View members live.
Schedule Justin for your next Missions Emphasis Day or Conference, or let us organize a missions trip for your church. We want to help you partner with national pastors in Africa to plant churches and get the gospel everywhere we can!
Contact Justin

Check out our new website! 

If you haven't visited us in a while be sure to check out our website, and also like our page on Facebook. You can stay connected with steady updates on what God is doing in Africa through your prayers and financial support.

Go to
Connect with us on Social Media:
Stateside Mailing Address
521 Lakewood Farmingdale Rd. Howell, NJ 07731
Cell Number: 732.859.5918

Sending Church
Open Door Bible Baptist Church Howell, NJ | 732.938.7777 | Pastor Chris Teis

Send Support to
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Click here to Give | Make sure to specify "Justin Warner" when giving




First and foremost I would like to thank God for the safety granted to my brother and I on our trip to Lunungu village of Musokotwane Chiefdom.

I would also like to thank Pastor Justin for the spiritual, moral and financial support rendered to me. 

Let me also thank Livingstone Fundamental Baptist Church for helping me with Tomga Gospel Tracks.

Allow me to further extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the Open Door Baptist Church family members and everyone who financially supported to go and reach out to the people of Lunungu village 

Finally I would like to thank all the headmen of the villages I was able to visit and these are; Mr. Amon Namadula and Mr.Mukangala Siamwanja respectively. 

May the Almighty God bless you all! Amen. 


I made my journey to Lunungu village of Musokotwane Chiefdom on 1st September, 2018. And because of the many heavy luggages I was to carry along, I thought it wise to go with my young brother; Paul Mutoiwa, to help me carry some of the things. 

We used a canter when going. We started off around 17: 30 hours, and reached Lunungu village the next day around 02:00 hours. And because it was still very dark, we had to spend a night in the open bush.

When I arrived, I worked hard going door to door conducting soul winning and Bible Studies. It was very difficult for me to be conducting the Bible study at one place where all could gather at one place. This is because the houses are sparsely located from each other hence I had to go door to door so as to save the people the trouble of having to cover long distances.

It is worthy pointing out that the trip was fruitful and tiresome. Also a lot still needs to be done; many houses still need to be reached out to.


While in Lunungu village, I was able to reach out to many people ranging from the children,






adults and old people.

adults and old people.


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The households in Lunungu village are sparsely located from each other. This means that it requires one to cover a distance of about 3km to get to the next household. However, I managed to visit a total of 27 households. My last visit with Kanatu was paid to this poor widow, Elina Manyando, who welcomed us to her house and was lead to CHRIST. Shortly before leaving her house, Elina gave us some cassava, maize and groundnuts……


I am delighted to mention that my trip to Lunungu village was fruitful! This is because out of the 27 households I visited, and the people I was able to talk to, a total of 83 people trusted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!


A total of five local Bibles were given out in the village; out of the said number, two Bibles were given to the village headmen, one Bible was given to one widow and the remaining two were given to the two guys who were accompanying me during my soul winning visits. I must mention here that the Bibles given were a blessing to the recipients as there is a serious need of the Bibles in the village. It touched my heart and prompted me to give her a Tonga Bible when during my visit to one widow, who when I was sharing with her the Gospel brought out an old and worn out Bible…….. 

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A total of 146 Gospel tracks were distributed in the village. These were happily received as they were written in a local language which the villagers could read.

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A total of 13 people gave themselves to train in the Bible institute; 9 being men and 4 being ladies.

The following are the names of the people who are willing to train in the Bible Instittute:

Mr. Kanatu

Mr. Owen

Mr. Kahila

Mr. Mungabwa

Mr. Douglas

Mr. Julius

Mr. Winter

Mr. Jacob

Mr. Siamwali

Mis. Mbembele

Mis. Ndiwa

Mis. Mulemba

Mrs. Shingi

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I faced some few challenges; among the faced challenges were the language barrier as some people could not understand Lozi, only understood Tonga, which at times was a challenge for me. Because of this, I was able to move around with Kanatu and Kahila who helped me with interpretation where it was needed.

Not only that but also I faced lack of proper accommodationthis is where my brother and I used to spend our nights:

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 and lack of clean drinking water. The villagers share the same water source with their cattle: this is the Nachibwe River which is almost drying up.

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Pray for the people of Lunungu village; so that those that have not yet received Christ may get to know him as their personal Lord and Savior. And those that received Him to continue daily in His word.

Pray also for Mr. Amon, the senior village headman of Lunungu village, as the man is very sick. He disclosed to me his HIV positive status and shared with me a few regrets of his life. He was however grateful that he had the assurance of heaven when he finally leaves this earth.


pushing a canter as it got stuck in the sand…….

pushing a canter as it got stuck in the sand…….

The men who worked with me and accompanied me; Kahila and Kanatu………

The men who worked with me and accompanied me; Kahila and Kanatu………

This widow gave her life to CHRIST and also is willing to train in the Bible Institute so as to learn more of CHRIST JESUS!

This widow gave her life to CHRIST and also is willing to train in the Bible Institute so as to learn more of CHRIST JESUS!

Answering some questions from the people after sharing to them the Gospel and also giving them some Gospel tracks….

Answering some questions from the people after sharing to them the Gospel and also giving them some Gospel tracks….

This boy touched my heart; he is an orphan whose parents died when he was a year old. His name is Mulope. I was able to help him with k150 to pay for his school fees and buy some books.

This boy touched my heart; he is an orphan whose parents died when he was a year old. His name is Mulope. I was able to help him with k150 to pay for his school fees and buy some books.

Kanatu and Paul pumping the ball in readiness to meet the children…..

Kanatu and Paul pumping the ball in readiness to meet the children…..

This ball served as a great magnet which attracted the children and accorded me a chance to teach them some Bible stories….

Lunungu village has a football team called THE ELEVEN CHAMPIONS. However, this ball was not given to them but the children because it is not very strong.

Paul( in white) and Owen having breakfast shortly before going for soul winning….

Paul( in white) and Owen having breakfast shortly before going for soul winning….

2017 Yearly Report & December Report from Falls View





Total attendance……………………………………………………………………………….1234

Average church attendance……………………………………………………………………103

Youth attendance……………………………………………...……………………………….386

Average youth attendance…………………………………..………………………………….32

Ladies attendance……………………………………………………………………………….258

Average ladies attendance……………………………………..…………..……………………..22

Men attendance…………………………………………………………………………………171

Average men’s attendance…………………………………………………………..………….14


Total visits made………………………………………………………………………………..184

Total visitors received……………………………………………….…………………………..42

Total hours spent……………………………………………………………………….716 hours


Total number of souls saved………………………………………..…………………….526

NOTE: the number of souls saved from both village trips and local visits.


Total visits made……………………………………………………………………………4

Total Bibles distributed……………………………………….……………………………43


Total number of baptism……………………………………..……………………………..16


Total cases of sicknesses…………………………………………………………….31

Total cases of deaths…………………………………………………………………..1

Zambia Dec 2017.png








First and foremost, I would like to thank the Almighty God for being with us throughout the year 2017. Challenges came our way but God was with us and we endured!

I will fail in my duties if I will not extend my arm of gratitude to Pastor Chris Teis, Pastor Justin Warner, and the Open Door Bible Baptist Church, for the continued support you have rendered us throughout the year 2017. I can assure you that your help was not in vain and it will go a long way in furthering the work of the LORD. May the LORD richly bless you!

Finally allow me to thank The Fallsview Bible Baptist Church family for working together in the extension of the kingdom of GOD.


Just like any other month, the month of December has its challenges but despite the challenges that came our way, the attendance was good.


Visitation was conducted successfully in all the areas ( Dambwa, Maramba, Ngwenya, Airport and Libuyu). It was mostly done on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 09:00 hours and 13:00 hours. I can gladly bring to your attention that these visits have helped in unifying the church.


During the month of December, God blessed the church with some visitors. The following are the names of the visitors who visited the church;

Loveness Kabindo

Grace Manyando


Miss. Jessy

Miss. Anna

Br. Wezzy

Br. Dickson Kachinka

Miss. Modester Daka (came from Eastern Province, with recommendation letter)



During the month of December, we were able to lead at least 12 people to CHRIST. Praise God!


On 24th December, 2017, we had our Christmas fellowship to celebrate the birth of our LORD and SAVIOR. The fellowship was successfully conducted. I must state however that this fellowship would not have been successful without the contribution of every member of the church. We listed all the things that were needed for the fellowship and then allowed the members to make their pledges on the things they were capable of buying within their financial capacity. I am glad to point out that the members lived up to their promises and made their contributions except one member who did not fulfil what he promised. Nevertheless, we had more than enough food for the fellowship and everyone had enough to eat. 


In the month of December, we could make any trip to the village despite us receiving funding for the same program. This was due to the fact that we were focusing on the fellowship that was scheduled to take place in the month. However, the trip will be made in January, 2018, after we get information from the villagers that the door is open we can go ahead and make our trip, as this is farming season and many people are very busy cultivating their fields.