First and foremost I would like to thank God for the safety granted to my brother and I on our trip to Lunungu village of Musokotwane Chiefdom.
I would also like to thank Pastor Justin for the spiritual, moral and financial support rendered to me.
Let me also thank Livingstone Fundamental Baptist Church for helping me with Tomga Gospel Tracks.
Allow me to further extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the Open Door Baptist Church family members and everyone who financially supported to go and reach out to the people of Lunungu village
Finally I would like to thank all the headmen of the villages I was able to visit and these are; Mr. Amon Namadula and Mr.Mukangala Siamwanja respectively.
May the Almighty God bless you all! Amen.
I made my journey to Lunungu village of Musokotwane Chiefdom on 1st September, 2018. And because of the many heavy luggages I was to carry along, I thought it wise to go with my young brother; Paul Mutoiwa, to help me carry some of the things.
We used a canter when going. We started off around 17: 30 hours, and reached Lunungu village the next day around 02:00 hours. And because it was still very dark, we had to spend a night in the open bush.
When I arrived, I worked hard going door to door conducting soul winning and Bible Studies. It was very difficult for me to be conducting the Bible study at one place where all could gather at one place. This is because the houses are sparsely located from each other hence I had to go door to door so as to save the people the trouble of having to cover long distances.
It is worthy pointing out that the trip was fruitful and tiresome. Also a lot still needs to be done; many houses still need to be reached out to.
While in Lunungu village, I was able to reach out to many people ranging from the children,
adults and old people.
The households in Lunungu village are sparsely located from each other. This means that it requires one to cover a distance of about 3km to get to the next household. However, I managed to visit a total of 27 households. My last visit with Kanatu was paid to this poor widow, Elina Manyando, who welcomed us to her house and was lead to CHRIST. Shortly before leaving her house, Elina gave us some cassava, maize and groundnuts……
I am delighted to mention that my trip to Lunungu village was fruitful! This is because out of the 27 households I visited, and the people I was able to talk to, a total of 83 people trusted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior!
A total of five local Bibles were given out in the village; out of the said number, two Bibles were given to the village headmen, one Bible was given to one widow and the remaining two were given to the two guys who were accompanying me during my soul winning visits. I must mention here that the Bibles given were a blessing to the recipients as there is a serious need of the Bibles in the village. It touched my heart and prompted me to give her a Tonga Bible when during my visit to one widow, who when I was sharing with her the Gospel brought out an old and worn out Bible……..
A total of 146 Gospel tracks were distributed in the village. These were happily received as they were written in a local language which the villagers could read.
A total of 13 people gave themselves to train in the Bible institute; 9 being men and 4 being ladies.
The following are the names of the people who are willing to train in the Bible Instittute:
Mr. Kanatu
Mr. Owen
Mr. Kahila
Mr. Mungabwa
Mr. Douglas
Mr. Julius
Mr. Winter
Mr. Jacob
Mr. Siamwali
Mis. Mbembele
Mis. Ndiwa
Mis. Mulemba
Mrs. Shingi
I faced some few challenges; among the faced challenges were the language barrier as some people could not understand Lozi, only understood Tonga, which at times was a challenge for me. Because of this, I was able to move around with Kanatu and Kahila who helped me with interpretation where it was needed.
Not only that but also I faced lack of proper accommodationthis is where my brother and I used to spend our nights:
and lack of clean drinking water. The villagers share the same water source with their cattle: this is the Nachibwe River which is almost drying up.
Pray for the people of Lunungu village; so that those that have not yet received Christ may get to know him as their personal Lord and Savior. And those that received Him to continue daily in His word.
Pray also for Mr. Amon, the senior village headman of Lunungu village, as the man is very sick. He disclosed to me his HIV positive status and shared with me a few regrets of his life. He was however grateful that he had the assurance of heaven when he finally leaves this earth.
pushing a canter as it got stuck in the sand…….
The men who worked with me and accompanied me; Kahila and Kanatu………
This widow gave her life to CHRIST and also is willing to train in the Bible Institute so as to learn more of CHRIST JESUS!
Answering some questions from the people after sharing to them the Gospel and also giving them some Gospel tracks….
This boy touched my heart; he is an orphan whose parents died when he was a year old. His name is Mulope. I was able to help him with k150 to pay for his school fees and buy some books.
Kanatu and Paul pumping the ball in readiness to meet the children…..
This ball served as a great magnet which attracted the children and accorded me a chance to teach them some Bible stories….
Lunungu village has a football team called THE ELEVEN CHAMPIONS. However, this ball was not given to them but the children because it is not very strong.
Paul( in white) and Owen having breakfast shortly before going for soul winning….