Here's just a small sampling of the projects we are currently working on.
Completion of the Falls View Building
Established in 2008 under a tree in a nearby Livingstone Compound, the Falls View Bible Baptist Church has grown and become the launching point and center of the sending efforts to plant churches here in Africa. Now with it's own plot, a foundational slab, steel framing, and a partial roof we are nearing completion of the building project. Positioned strategically near the airport and a growing community, we believe that this project's completion will enable us to reach more of Africa with the gospel.
Monthly Support of national pastors
It is far more sustainable to support a national pastor than it is to have an American Family living in Africa. Their familiarity with the culture, connection to the people, and ability to live on much less financially puts them in a far better position to reach their people for Christ. Our ministry is uniquely equipped to examine each candidate and provide financially accountability to them each month as well as the spiritual encouragement needed to navigate life's difficulties. You can help by giving a one time gift or taking on the individual support of a Pastor by giving $65-$200 per month.