Reaching Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Since 2006, we have been preaching the gospel in Africa, and training nationals to reach their people for Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
Our desire is to bring the gospel to Africa, and establish autonomous churches that will minister to and equip believers across the continent. By taking trips to provide accountability, counsel, and resources to local churches, we desire to help them reach into the villages where there are no gospel preaching churches and establish churches to the glory of God.
We also desire to partner churches in the United States with these pastors and ministries for financial support, prayer support, and continued encouragement as they minister in these needy and difficult places.
“If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.”
What We've Achieved
Established a thriving church in Livingstone, Zambia.
Trained and turned the church over to the national Pastor.
Ordained national pastors and partnered with them financially to provide encouragement and accountability.
Assisted national pastors in planting local churches, and established preaching points for future church plants.
Purchased land and laid the foundation for a church building.
Began the steelwork and partially finished roof.
Provided funds for schooling for children, and college students.
Established yearly trips to Africa to inspire Christians in America to make a difference with the gospel in Africa.