Report from Pastor Delver- Freedom Baptist Church

Greetings in the name of the LORD, Jesus. Amen.

I write, on behalf of Freedom Bible Baptist church, to update you on the works that were Carried out during the previous month. I am happy to mention that through your spiritual and financial support, the church was able to purchase and give out 15 Bibles among which five were Bibles in local language and ten were Bibles in English. This was and is still a need in the church as most of the members do not have a copy of the word of God. In this regard, I kindly request that you help us in that area of need should means allow.


We are in the middle of putting up a shelter to be used our church services. The shelter is been put up on a plot of land belonging to one of our faithful old man in the church, Mr. Raphael. Mr. Raphael lives with his son, Henry, and both serve as caretakers who are looking after the church properties: benches, water basins, pulpit among others.

I am happy to mention also that in the previous month, the church was actively involved in soul winning and visitation and the results of these visits saw us leading six people to CHRIST! And these have become part of us. They are also willing to follow JESUS in water baptism.


This month, on 22 May, 2021, we intend to hold a church fellowship. During that fellowship, myself along side other Pastors ( Luka, Charles, Anthony and Jason) is going to teach on discipleship and how to lead some one to JESUS. It is going to be a whole day of fellowship. In this vein, we are requesting for financial assistance of k2500 to enable us purchase food and soft drinks for that day.

In conclusion, I would like to state that God has been and is still with us as church as this is evident in the miraculous ways in which He has shown Himself to us.

Keep on praying for us here.

Thank you.

Pastor Delver